This was the day that I thought how fun it would be for "Bun" to be born. I'm glad that Eden decided two days earlier, as we've gotten to enjoy her for two more days rather than wait for today.
Last night was a rush of guests to meet the newest Princess. Such fun. They men I affectionately call the "Kafir Kids" were there. These are the guys that grew up on our street. One lived next door, and is one month and three days younger than my son, and the other lived across the street and is three and a half months younger. As babies, toddler, young men, they have kept their bond. It's amazing to me. Knowing them for so long, it makes me proud to see the fine men they've grown into. Not surprising when you look at their families. It all starts at home, for sure.
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These guys have had so many trio photos taken during all the momentous occasions. Like graduating to underwear from diapers, and sporting their "underoos"
High school graduation, which sadly I can't put my fingers on that shot.
Two of the three are married, the other in a serious relationship. They have been together at each other's weddings,
Here they are, in the same order as the little boy photo. We can never remember who was where, so we take multiple shots to ensure we get it right.
Last night, one of them appeared to see the new baby, and then the other one showed up with a bag of Dave's famous BBQ. Lots of drippy BBQ sauce, lots of laughter, and lots of brotherly love. No one had the patience to switch up the order for the photo. We didn't get it right, but the important thing is, we did get it.
Pretty close, just needed to put guy on right in the middle, and swap with daddy in the middle, and put him to the right...ahhh Love these guys, and the men they have become. Such truly great examples of how men should be.
Now we wait and see what the next celebration will be. An engagement? Birth of another baby? Doesn't matter, for we will always celebrate all the good that happens with these three. Friends since utero, and friends still today.
Got to shop for the princess yesterday. So fun! Got to finally hold her, AMAZING! Her tiny features, and so much love for her all ready. She will grow, and prosper, for as in all kids, it takes a village, and trust me, the village has shown up to see her.
This is what having a girl is all about. The cuteness. Over the top, scream in your face adorable. Outfit courtesy of Auntie
Daddy went shopping for her going home from the hospital outfit. Words can't say how cute and sweet I think this is.
Those little outfits scream ADORABLE for sure! Awww... the last daddy baby pic has LOVE written all over it!
So neat that the trio of friends are still so close! The Superman PJ pics are priceless.
Love the outfits- how great that they are all there for each other after all those years.
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