Today worked out for a little snorkeling. Not the best I've had, but Chris was quite pleased with it. As Mr. Mark said, "Best snorkeling so far" Guess so, but I know better is yet to come. Came closer than I preferred to a spotted eel, saw some of my favorite box fish, and many many colorful ones.
Baby boy is an absolute water dog. He laughs and loves the waves, all the while his mama is squawking, "Get him" or "BIG wave coming." We all laughed, and baby boy most of all.
Couldn't get #1 to ride the board with the window in it...I think the waves freaked him out a bit. I still think before the trip is over, we will find good conditions for him to watch the fish.
The afternoon found us strolling Front street, and all it has to offer. Pupu's at Captain Jack's which made #1 most happy. Nothing like a good pirate joint to perk up a hungry boy. The B/S family had photos taken with exotic birds. Baby boy is so crazy about birds, it was fun to watch. When L&L were little kids they had their photos taken at the same place most likely with the same birds. Such fun memories. We booked a whale watching trip for three of us bright and early in the morning, and I have my fingers crossed that it will be good, and we can see some whale action up close and personal.
We had a baby whale this morning that was so close to us, it had us a bit concerned. Wasn't sure the water was deep enough where they were, but they managed to move on after about 30 minutes of us watching and oohing and awwwing.
Baby boy is like a small parrot. Tries to say everything we say. His best is "happy" yes, we're happy. He said it best.
Nothing like a ding dong first thing in the morning while sitting on the beach...especially when you can throw food and bring in the birds! |
No fear for this guy! |
Some things never change. :-) shade, chair, book |
#1 is so taken by Tom Sawyer. I'm so impressed with his reading and comprehension! |
I have photos of L&L sitting on this same rock. One taken 20 years ago, and one ten years ago. Now these two. So sweet. |
And it's not even Valentine's Day yet. |
#1 and I had a secret. This was it. To go for a henna tattoo and surprise everyone...tough looking shark! |
Baby boy waving bye bye to the birds. My favorite is the no photo sign. :-) Still haven't lost my touch! |
Rainbow without being in the rain....the best kind. This was a full arc. Taken from moving car, I know, it's not that great, but I do love a good rainbow! |
Looks like tons of fun and oh, so relaxing. We're hard at work here, but making so much progress! It looks like the boys are having a blast! Any pics of the momma and baby whale?
Stay safe, have fun,
ooooohhh I love this day!! It looked like a fun one! Ocean, food, beautiful birds, shopping, snorkeling, and rainbows! Ahhhh, its relaxing just living through your photos!
Beautiful pictures, perfect family, and the scenery is "ok"..ahahah. Thanks for sharing and it looks sooooooo relaxing!!! Loves to you all
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