Being from Oregon, there are two sides. The University of Oregon, and Oregon State. Never the twain shall meet. #1 was brainwashed at a very early age that Oregon State was IT, and U of O was NOT. Hmmm. Hubs and I both attended OSU, go to all the football games, but aren't as rabid as some fans. We love our school, and that's that.
Enter, said old sweater. 100% wool that I rediscoved while cleaning out a closet. I thought I'd do an ode to my father. He graduated from U of O law school, and bought the sweaters for my sister and me. Sweater was a bit snug, and very itchy so I was informed, but as I look at the photos I see a boy perhaps from a time gone by, thoughts of Notre Dame and a movie called Rudy....ahhh how I love this boy. And for the record, once we got going, he was telling me what to do, what shots he wanted captured.. I never told him it was a U of O sweater. If you see him, please don't tell him. He's happy knowing it's a letterman's sweater and that's good enough for me too.

SO stinkin' cute!
Beautiful--The photo looks very vintage (and don't worry, I won't tell).
That's one cute fella! Nice capture.
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