I heart faces photo challenge

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Scavenger Hunt 12-18

No need to say how busy the week has been, because this next week is crunch time! Not much is wrapped here, I've hidden gifts and hope I can find them all.  One day of sickness, one day of a birthday party, and I need to be productive.  Quickly, here is my list from the week's scavenger hunt over at Ashley's.  What is it?, Children, fur babies sleeping, window, half, joy...


                                                                         WHAT IS IT?
It's a Christmas tree...playing around with camera settings. Knew it wasn't right, but then thought this "oops" would fit the prompt
Baby boy leaving his little handprints on the window as he watches what goes on outside. No doubt a large flock of geese.

Fur baby sleeping

This is the fur baby that was MIA for ten days. She still acts like a PTSS kitty.  Wont make friends with the other cat, and they used to be the best of buddies. She's letting us love on her, so we'll just take it one step at a time and hope the two kitties work it out soon. 
This was in someones yard. In our small town there is a neighborhood that is know for their light displays. We took the father-in-law and his lady friend out for a drive to enjoy the lights. Taking elderly folks out is so similar to being with toddlers. They really did find joy in so many of the homes.

Wishing everyone a joyous season this week, take time to find the joy in the week, and to smell the coffee. Can't wait to see all the photos that come along from this week!


Anonymous said...

Your cat photo drew me in of course. Like your Joy photo. Your neighbor made that one easy for you.

Kmcblackburn said...

Your "window" capture has a magical feel to it...the wonder thru a child's eyes. Lovely. Happy holidays to you!


Deanna said...

What a sweet, sweet window shot. And I really hope your kitties make up soon, love the pic. Enjoy this last week & Merry Christmas.

Bears Fan said...

Great shots! I was going to do half a grapefruit, but couldn't pull off the shot that I wanted! Thanks for dropping by my blog too!

Sara @ Our Life Blog said...

love the window and joy pictures!! :)

Tamar SB said...

Mm papaya! Love that window shot, so sweet! Good luck with all the wrapping!

Patrice said...

Great shots - love the oops What is it!

Gina Kleinworth said...

Love that window shot- makes me want to know what't really out there.

Ashley Sisk said...

I love what is it - how cool!

Stasha said...

Did kitty return on it's own after 10days? I really like your what is it shot.

Melanie said...

That is sure one cute little guy looking out the window. How cool is your "what is it" shot! My fav is the lovely shot of your furry babe, looking all cozy and cute!

Lol... I also hide gifts through outr the year, & have a hard time finding them! Last year I found a calendar I hid from 2009!
(so basically I'm jhust hiding them from me!lol)

deanna@Life.Captured. said...

Love your what is it and window! Sometimes, those "oops" moments turn out really cool! And as far as the window goes, nothing beats sweet baby bellies and cubby little hands!! Love it!

Jen said...

Great set! The one of your boy looking out the window is so cute!! And we had the same idea for the Joy shot! :)
Have a great week!

Saun said...

Your window shot is my favorite. Looks so peaceful.

Point & Shoot said...

love your what is it shot...always fun to experiment with the camera settings.

Buckeroomama said...

I love your Ooops --- SO pretty!

Cedar said...

Great set! I LOVE your joy shot! Beautiful!

Ms. Becky said...

oh, that is so special that you took your father-in-law and his friend out for a drive around of the lights. I love your fur baby, and I'm happy that she's safe at home now. it must have been a bit traumatic for her, and yes, it will take some time. I love your abstract lights shot! that's very cool. this is a wonderful set. happy week to you MG.

Anne U @ hot coffee mama said...

Your window shot is so precious.

Katie said...

I love your what is it shot! Its so fun when an "oops" turns out to be a "yay!"

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