Wednesday Wednesday, so good to me. Hump day to some, a hurdle to others, but for me it's a day to try to get to know my youngest grandson Teak. Six and a half months old, and such a sweet happy boy. Unless I leave the room. Then you can hear screams that sound as if he's being tortured by electricity! Such drama for such a little one, but once my face reappears, his arms go up, and the drama quiets once he's picked up. Yes, yes, by six months they ARE learning to manipulate, and he has this one down!
There is a saying at our house, and it's "time for Tutu's boot camp" this is where the babies come and go through their paces...we work, we sit, we stretch, and Teak is champ! I must say his attention and length of time spent going through my rigors is longer than any I can remember. He can stay up on his knees for several minutes, and does a cute little rock, humping action...he's quite pleased with himself
Then he plops down, and tries to get himself back up on his knees, but today was unsuccessful in his attempts. He can get from point A to point B with a combination of rolling and scooting, and is pretty good at getting to something that he wants. Today it was one of my pots, so up on the counter that went.
Can't you read his mind? Why won't you hand me the block???
He can twist and turn, and seems as if he's memorizing things that he puts in his hands...those chubby little fingers nearly wear the toys out as he explores all parts of it.
Who can resist these rubber band wrists? The creases so deep, it does seem as if he's had rubber bands on them. And the dimples in his skin are just too delicious!
Teak is in love with the kitties. Can't really say that the feeling is mutual. He watches them, and really would like to play, but others before him have made the kitties wary of little ones.

Teak scored when he got the ball toy away from Ting Lee. Ting wanted it back, but still wasn't willing to get in too close to those cute chubby hands.
He's working on the railroad...all day long!
I could look into those brown eyes all day long. It's as if they are liquid milk sweet and so hypnotizing...Such a cute boy...he's a love.
WOW--Hands and knees already?? Great job, Teak!! (and way to go, Tutu's boot camp!).
He's so cute I can't stand it. Great pictures!
Oh my goodness - he can't be any sweeter! Love all the photos, especially the up close detailed shots!
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